A day of creative and productive collective intelligence at Ideavox.

The different angles of view provided by the participants helped to bring out the meaning of the project, to verify its adequacy with the IB call and even to find its name. Beyond that, the fact of being at Ideavox allowed us to exchange with young innovative project initiators whose projects resonated with the theme of the Innobooster.

At the beginning with Sabina from Hospice General with some participants of the Ecojeune project (Learning through entrepreneurship). In the middle of the working session, with a vide presentation by Hugues Aubin (Climate Change Lab) about the impact of the operating commons. And at the end of the day, an opening towards the International Geneva with Kamelia from the Geneva City Hub linked to the UN.  

IE_IB kick off

Present for all or part of the day were ;

Alain Renk alain.renk@urbanismeouvert.ch, Mastelic Joëlle <joelle.mastelic@hevs.ch>, Valentino Carlo Luigi Piana <valentino.piana@hevs.ch>, Michael Meier <michael.meier@etat.ge.ch>, Quentin Louis ADLER <quentin.adler@unine.ch>, Lionel Lourdin <lionel@contribution.ch>, Kamelia Kemileva <kamelia.kemileva@axlr.ch>, Ponomareva Anastasia <anastasia.ponomareva@hevs.ch>, Sara Gillispie <gillispie.sara@gmail.com>, Hugues Aubin contact@climatechangelab.org, Simon Rossy simon@open-models.org, Sabina Cervoni sabina.cervoni@hospicegeneral.ch

Document Summary

  1. Philosophy & mode of collaboration
  2. Sketch of a possible pitch
  3. Taking into account the characteristics of the Innosuisse call
  4. Completed brainstorm panels 

See the PDF for more information
