Geneva Eaux-Vives CCF Station September 2, 2022
With Michael, at the end of a workshop co-organized with the State of Geneva on public/commons partnerships, we notice that researchers, NGOs and members of the administration are interested, but that nothing will progress without time and dedicated means. On a terrace, in the sun, we test the idea of an Innovation Booster linked to the commons and we draw up a first roadmap.
Lugano 17, September 20th 2022
With Quentin and Sara, in the train, on the way back from the Innovations Days, after having realized a pivot on the FreeSpace project helped by the Booster Energy Living Lab (but it's another story), we take back the idea of the booster linked to the common, and following the positive dynamics of the meetings, we decide to start preparing the call for tenders of Innosuisse
Geneva, October 31, 2022
During the Urban Thinker Campus organized by the Foundation at the SDG Solution Lab around the links between open urbanism and public/commons partnerships, there is the Ideavox ecosystem; Lionel, Malika, Claire, Michael, also Quentin and Sara from Neuchatel. Colm and Anastasia present the Booster Energy Living Lab (ELLA) which resonates with the calls for commons presented by Gabriel Plassat of Ademe France. The Booster project related to the commons is not directly mentioned, but the links continue to deepen between the Public Commons Partnership initiative and the Innovation boosters.
Sion, November 24, 2022
At the end of a day on Smart Cities where innovative projects and the functioning of the IB Ella and Smart Cities are presented, an hour-long exchange with Valentino who brings the strong ideas of the notion of "Replicable Commons" and of the economic paradigm shift that our Booster could propose. With Joëlle, we decide to organize a workshop at Ideavox in January where all the people involved will be able to take stock of the first elements and start the co-design process of the Booster.
Geneva, January 24, 2023
Nice and long day at Ideavox between the scheduled organization and the natural serendipity of the place. Not planned; the meeting before starting with Sabina and several contributors of the social project Ecojeune supported by the Hospice General and the Free IT Foundation and at the end of the day the meeting with Kamelia from Geneva City Hub with whom we will exchange our perception of the UN. This day is also the moment when Hugues Aubin from the Climate Change Lab makes a presentation on the "operating commons", which helps to reinforce the fact that our Booster has an operational meaning. A productive day, which launches the production of the response to Innosuisse. From Sion Joelle, Anastasia, Valentino (Ella), from Geneva Simon (Open Model), Michael (State of Geneva), Lionel (Free IT Foundation), Alain (Open Urbanism Foundation), from Rennes France Hugues (Climate Change Lab)
Internet 10 March 202
A sleepless night and the digital hub becomes available online with the structuring of information, databases and resources. The software and conceptual engine of this platform designed by the Free IT Foundation on a Drupal base has a functional and symbolic dimension, because it is a common good built from a free software informational common good that allows to learn "by doing" the culture of contribution. For example, not requiring contributions, but rather facilitating and creating the conditions for these contributions to become a logical way of doing things, helping the emergence of the main intention, being at the service of the community of contributors, making the right decisions in relation to the intention, knowing how to document immediately and ...allowing for forks in the road if necessary.
Telephone/Ideavox March 16/20, 2023
Two enlightening interviews with Michel Léonard, Professor Emeritus at UNIGE, where he first discusses the fact that the commons are starting to exist in the landscape, even if the notion remains vague. This is important, because to make radical innovation that can last, it is necessary that this innovation is bearable for society. For Michel, the booster theme has a favorable cognitive context and therefore a good context for appropriation. In the second exchange, the conditions necessary to make the booster work over the long term while preserving the initial enthusiasm are discussed, with the need for structuring frameworks that will make it possible to preserve the cognitive load on innovation teams for whom we will feel empathy.
CERN March 17, 202
A day around the Crowd4SDG Final Conference! Crowd4SDG, an EU project aiming to promote the development of citizen science projects aiming to tackle the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a focus on climate action. This is the place where I meet Omar Bawa, co-founder of GoodWall, and a few days later our Booster will take a new dimension thanks to this LinkedIn of the young generations that this global platform represents.
Sion Geneva CCF 24 March 202
With Joëlle, Valentino from Sion, Michael, Lionel, me from Geneva and Quentin from the train. The date of the deposit approaches, the project becomes more and more concrete and the moment is perfect to define the organizations and persons who could come to enrich the project and the national dimension of the project. Addresses are exchanged, contacts are distributed, a collaborative database is set up on the hub.
Helvetia, March 24 to April 14, 202
From Ticino to Zurich, from Geneva to Vaud, we enter a series of exchanges with the future partners of the alliance where the meaning of the project must first be expressed in a short email capable of expressing the complexity and the potential of the IB (5 versions with Quentin and Valentino). The reactions and the positive reception during videoconference exchanges reinforce the desire to present to Innosuisse a file capable of presenting these dynamics. The digital hub, of which some files are public, then becomes essential to demonstrate the capacity of the leading house and the core team to live and share open innovation approaches.
Portugal Geneva, April 6, 202
Exchange with Leon, Auvry, Inglod and Sama, a team of students from the Innoquick Master. Strange feeling of future before where in the sunshine from the terrace of one of the buildings of the future Gong House we talk about the evolution of the OKA project (Open Knowledge Association) made possible by the team's exchanges with Lionel and Simon. This discussion is a functional prototype, a POC (Proof of Concept) of the capacity of the future booster to interest innovation teams and to bring new perspectives around business models related to the commons. 

Closing of the file D-7 April 10, 2023
The exchanges with the members of the alliance were unavoidable, pleasant... The file for Innosuisse was delayed, but on the other hand the collective intelligence produced a set of compatible elements. Deadline, April 17. The dossier materializes in a 5-day sequence. Calligraphy. Archery... A gesture, an arrow... Towards the target. Sunday evening.