Impact Entrepreneurship Innobooster Pitch

Innovative business models infrastructures for sustainable radical innovation spreading


The necessity of the Impact Entrepreneurship Innobooster

Radical innovations that can produce sustainable impact with social values in Switzerland needs dedicated support to grow and to duplicate.


Market Oriented

The Innobooster impact entrepreneurship produce the operative frame to support radical innovations in the field of resilient territorial dynamics, open health, non formal education and inclusion.  By sharing new business models based on 1/ open innovation for high quality performances, 2/avant-garde (or ? tailor made for the impact entrepreneur IP intellectuel property rights that facilitate mutualisation to save time and ressources and 3/learning from the commons organizational mode that build market success based on cooperation.


New capabilities and worldwide access

By using the Innovation Booster Impact Entrepreneurship business models, the innovation teams will develop their capacity to enter the market with unfair advantage and augmented chances of success by attracting the best collaborators and clients. More over, because the Geneva bases mother house acts at the national scale, the Innovation Booster Impact Entrepreneurship will give innovation teams of all cantons direct access to International sectors and to local governments worldwide, thanks to alliance members  from the International Geneva ecosystem such as the Geneva Cities Hub (lien).


Complementarity with other Innovation Boosters

Why does the Ellas Innovation Booster participate in the alliance along other already interested  Innoboosters*? Because the IE Booster opens the path to productive events each year to attract innovative teams around cross and complementary thematics. By instance, the IE Booster subtheme resilient territories opens the ground for cooperations with Smart Cities and Energy Living Labs Innovation Boosters… the IE booster subtheme open health will connect to the Sport Innovation Booster. Same with subthemes education and inclusion…


Established definitions of Impact Entrepreneurship

Academic fields (HEC Liège) :  Impact Entrepreneurship refers to the process favoring the creation and growth of enterprises that are ethical, transparent, and have a meaningful impact on our lives and society. Unlike non-profit, they focus on creating social impact through market strategies.

Entrepreneurial field (Ernest & Young) :  Impact entrepreneurs are purposefully driving progress toward the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). From digital tools to long-term capacity building services, (they build) life-changing businesses and achieve greater scale and impact.


Alain Renk / Open Urbanism Fondation / Proofreading and improvement with Michael Meier / Lionel Lourdin